Quick Tips
Why do I need an account or credit card to check out with $0.00 in my cart?
Having an account or credit card number helps us verify that you're a human being, and in case you decide to add things beyond free items, it allows you to pay for them. We're aware that this is an annoyance about the checkout process, and we're going to do something about it!
Make a playlist
When you're browsing songs, do you run across titles you want to remember for later? Put them into a playlist with our free
WorshipMap Basic tool. It has all the search power of the Find and Buy area of the site, and you can drag and drop songs in whatever order you like. Plus, after you've created your playlist, you can "choose downloads" and just pick the songs you need for this Sunday... but your list stays connected to your account!
Preview our music (audio) before purchasing
Did you know that you can preview any of our listening demos? First, find your song by using the Find & Buy search box. Then, simply click the triangle in the "Play" column.
Preview our sheet music before purchasing
Did you know that you can preview any of our printed music before you buy? First, add the song to your cart, then find which instrumental part you would like to preview and click "preview."
Receive updates and coupons
Did you know that by signing up with LifeWayWorship.com, you receive special updates and occasional coupons for free downloads? To use the coupon, just enter in the code at the checkout stage. Please keep in mind you will still need to use a reference for billing (i.e. credit card or LifeWay account #), however, your account will not be charged.
Search by song keys
Did you know that you can search our songs by keys? From the Find & Buy screen, simply check the "Keys" checkbox underneath the text box. Then, select the key of your choice.
Search for SuperCharts
Did you know that you can limit your search results to those songs which have a Lead Sheet PLUS? Find & Buy tab, simply click the "Show only: Lead Sheet PLUS" checkbox.
Feel free to use the text box in combination with the Lead Sheet PLUS checkbox to combine multiple search criteria.
More ways to find your music
Did you know that you can use the free-text box in the Find & Buy section for more than just titles? You can also search by lyric, songwriter, meter, hymn number, and more. What all can you search by? Choose any song and click the "i" to launch that song's information window. Whenever you type in the search box, we search all of these informational windows for your search parameters.
Still have questions? Contact our technical support at 800.436.3869 or worship@lifeway.com.