Lifeway Worship Help Center

Add Other Element

Adding other elements to worship plan is just as easy as adding music elements. With the worship plan open, simply click on the "Add Other Element" heading in the right column. To add the element either double-click the field or drag the element into the worship plan. Once the element is in the plan, we can add the details. Click on the new element title to rename the element. Then click under the new title to enter the element's description. Finally, enter the estimated time for the element. This will update the worship plan time at the bottom of the page.

Now let us take a look at adding elements that have already been purchased. Simply click on the "Add Library Element" heading in the right column. Next find the purchased element you would like to re-use and drag it into your worship plan. As always, its a good practice to save any changes by using the Save button at the bottom of the page.

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