You've Already Won

You've Already Won

Verse 1

There's peace that outlasts darkness
Hope that's in the blood
There's future grace that's mine today
That Jesus Christ has won
So I can face tomorrow
For tomorrow's in Your hands
All I need You will provide
Just like You always have

Chorus 1

I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
Don't know what You're doing
But I know what You've done
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won



Shane Barnard and Bryan Fowler

Copyright 2022 Songs from WellHouse (BMI) (admin. by Right Angle Music)/Be Essential Songs (BMI) / bryanfowlersongs (BMI) (admin. at All rights reserved. Used by Permission. CCLI #7194845 

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Ab, A, Bb, C, Db, E, G

There's peace that outlasts darkness



Victory, Trials/Tribulation/Sorrow/Grief, Eternal Life/Heaven, God, His Love/Mercy/Grace