I Am Not My Own

I Am Not My Own

  • Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lyric File

    0 1.49 1.04300000000000001654232306691483245231211185455322265625

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    Ab 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    Ab 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Piano Accompaniment

    Ab 0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Piano Accompaniment

    Bb 0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Vocal Charts

    Ab 0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Vocal Charts

    Bb 0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    Ab 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Ab 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    Ab 0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    Bb 0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    Ab 0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    Bb 0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lyric File

    0 1.49 1.04300000000000001654232306691483245231211185455322265625
    or Less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

Verse 1

The One who made the heavens
Made my heart and soul
Before I drew a breath
I was loved and known
I am His creation
The Maker's masterpiece
And all that He designs
Will be done in me

Chorus 1

I belong to the Lord
Oh, I am not my own
I belong to the Lord
I am not my own
I will honor Him
For this I know
I belong to the Lord
I am not my own



Skye Peterson, Ben Shive, Bryan Fowler and Thomas Anderson

Copyright 2023 Getty Music Publishing (BMI)/Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP)/Junkbox Music (ASCAP) (admin. at musicservices.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #7214851 

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Ab, A, Bb, C

The One who made the heavens



God, His Sovereignty, Comfort/Encouragement/Hope, Assurance/Security/Confidence/Rest, God, Creator