His Mercy Is More - II

His Mercy Is More - II

Chorus 1

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness, new every morn.
Our sins, they are many, His mercy is more.

Verse 1

What love could remember no wrongs we have done?
Omniscient, all-knowing, He counts not their sum.
Thrown into a sea without bottom or shore.
Our sins, they are many, His mercy is more.




Hebrews 8:12, Psalm 103:12, Romans 6:22

Matt Papa and Matt Boswell

© 2015 Messenger Hymns (BMI) Getty Music Publishing (BMI) Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP) Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP) (admin. by Music Services, www.musicservices.org). All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #7065053 

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What love could remember no wrongs we have done?



God, His Love/Mercy/Grace, Praise/Adoration/Worship/Exaltation, of God, Sin