Great Things

Great Things

Verse 1

Come, let us worship our King.
Come, let us bow at His feet.
He has done great things.
See what our Savior has done.
See how His love overcomes.
He has done great things.
He has done great things.

Chorus 1

O Hero of heaven, You conquered the grave.
You free every captive and break every chain.
O God, You have done great things.
We dance in Your freedom, awake and alive.
O Jesus, our Savior, Your name lifted high.
O God, You have done great things.



Phil Wickham and Jonas Myrin

© Copyright 2018 Simply Global Songs (BMI)/Sing My Songs (BMI)/Phil Wickham Music (BMI) (admin at of the Lion (BMI)/Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) (admin. at All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #7111321 

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Come, let us worship our King.



Praise/Adoration/Worship/Exaltation, of God, God, His Guidance and Care, Jesus, Savior, God, His Faithfulness, God, His Greatness