Come unto Jesus

Come unto Jesus

Verse 1

Come unto Jesus, all you who are weary
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel
Here bring your wounded hearts, broken and needy
Come unto Jesus, mighty to heal

Chorus 1

Come unto Jesus, come unto Jesus
Lay down your burdens, He is enough
Come unto Jesus, rest in His love




Matthew 16:24, Matthew 11:28-30

Jordan Kauflin, Matthew Merker and Laura Story

Copyright 2023 Jordan Kauflin Music (BMI)/Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP)/Matthew Merker Music (BMI) /Laura's Stories And Songs (ASCAP)/Getty Music Publishing (BMI) (admin. at All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #7228728 

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Come unto Jesus, all you who are weary



Assurance/Security/Confidence/Rest, Surrender/Submission, Comfort/Encouragement/Hope