

  • Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lyric File

    0 1.49 1.04300000000000001654232306691483245231211185455322265625

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Piano Accompaniment

    Bb 0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Vocal Charts

    Bb 0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    Bb 0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Piano Accompaniment

    0 1.59 1.11300000000000001765254609153998899273574352264404296875
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    Bb 0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Vocal Charts

    0 0.44 0.30800000000000000488498130835068877786397933959960937500
    or less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lyric File

    0 1.49 1.04300000000000001654232306691483245231211185455322265625
    or Less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

Verse 1

Something isn't adding up
This wild exchange You offer us
I gave my worst, You gave Your blood
Seems hard to believe
You're telling me You chose the cross?
You're telling me I'm worth that much?
Well if that's the measure of Your love
How else would I sing?

Chorus 1

But completely, deeply
Sold out sincerely abandoned
I'm completely, freely
Hands to the ceiling enamored
My one life endeavor
To match Your surrender
To mirror not my will but Yours
I'm completely, deeply
Don't care who sees me abandoned
Oh, I surrender all




Luke 9:23-24, Matthew 6:10

Benjamin Hastings, Cody Carnes, Chris Davenport and Brandon Lake

Copyright 2024 SHOUT MP Brio (BMI) (admin. in the US and Canada at CapitolCMGPublishing.com)/Writers Roof Publishing (BMI)/Songs For TIM (BMI)/CDavs Music (BMI)/Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) (admin. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com)/Brandon Lake Music (ASCAP) (admin. at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #7231260 

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Something isn't adding up



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